Sunday, January 12, 2014


It's strange to see what really goes on behind the scenes to make the "perfect woman", and thats exactly what this Dove Film shows. How can we compare ourselves to women in the media, and be unhappy with ourselves, when what we are seeing isn't realistic itself? 

Women are set to such high standards, and are criticized when they don't meet them. But, it is impossible to meet them all. We see in this video that the media completely distorts our vision of beauty. How can we consider the image at the end beautiful, when it is just a digital creation? Not many people know how completely photoshopped the media can be. The woman at the end of the clip is absolutely nothing like her actual self. This is why it is unrealistic to compare ourselves to the women in the media, but of course, we do it anyways. 

Society's expectations for women distort what we see as beauty. Not only do women feel self conscious because of the media's influence of what we should be like, but other people judge women compared to these images of beauty in their minds. In Miss Representation, we can see how people criticize women compared to what the media's expectations for them. Women are so objectified, that even in powerful positions, women are constantly criticized on looks. For example the newscasters in Miss Representation. The women are talked about based on their looks, men are talked about based on what they say. Why? Because the media makes us think that looks are all that matter for a woman. 

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