Monday, January 20, 2014


I have learned so much over this semester, especially in this unit for Critical Thinking. I discovered how much media really impacts our lives, opinions, and point of view. 

The amount of media we consume is very surprising to me. I had no idea that we consume such a large amount. The media impacts the way we think, and what our opinions are on what the media is telling us about. The media has a narrow view on certain subjects, and if we consume that narrow opinion, it will become our own opinion, too. For example, our perception of "beauty" is what we see in the media -- skinny, tan, perfect skin, etc. We have these opinions because the media imposes them on us, and we accept them. 

The fact that I know much more about marketing and advertising techniques has definitely changed how I view the media. I am able to identify what the advertiser is trying to target, and how they may be distorting my perception of their product. I can see that the media can easily influence and distort our perception of things, and I am more aware of that. I think more about what I see in the media, and know that there are other sides to the story or other opinions on the subject, besides what the media is telling us.

I definitely consider myself more media literate than I was at the beginning of the unit. I may not be completely literate in every area, but I feel much more knowledgeable on the subject. I think I have learned how to determine the messages, appeals, and techniques in an advertisement. I think this skill is very useful because I question the media's messages, and know that they aren't all honest. 

I'm not sure if my media consumption habits have changed this semester.  I am definitely more aware of what is portrayed in the media, but I am unsure of a way to limit my intake of media. Although the amount of media I consume may not have changed, the way I perceive it, and the way it affects me definitely has. 

It is very important to be media literate. Many people don't realize how much the media affects them, and their perception of the world around them. It is important to know when advertisers are being honest, and to know that the media's view on a subject is not the only view. It is also important that people know that they don't always need to listen to the media, and that the media often twists the way we think - not for the good. Being an educated consumer is just as important as having media literacy. When taking things in from the media, it is important to know how honest the media is being. Consumers should know that the media easily manipulates our opinions. and the way the media portrays things is not always the only way it's viewed. 

Keeping this log kept my mind aware of all the advertisements and techniques used in the media. It helped me see how much the media really affects us, and how specific audiences are targeted, as well as specific appeals used in different advertisements. This blog also showed me how a consumer can perceive an advertisement as one thing, but it is actually saying something else that the consumer may not notice. 

I found the documentaries we watched about the media in class very interesting. It really opened my eyes to how deceitful the media can be. For example, the way the media portrays women, from Miss Representation was very eye opening. I never realized how unequally women are treated/viewed  compared to men, consciously or subconsciously. I also think it is very  interesting the way the media affects us subconsciously. For example, in one of the films we watched, they talked about the "reptilian effect", which was what subconsciously compels us to buy things. I think it is important to have media literacy to realize these effects that the media has, and this blog has helped me do that. 

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