Saturday, December 21, 2013

Pepsi Truck

This Pepsi truck appeals to curiosity and autonomy. The first thing we notice when looking at the truck, is that all the crates of Pepsi are packed upside down. The creativity would grab the attention of a consumer because it is different. It would give the impression that Pepsi is different, and if you drink it it will make you different, and stand out. Since the Pepsi is upside down, it shows that it is defying gravity. This gives the impression that the Pepsi is strong and independent, which will make you strong. Since trucks are a large way of transportation fro many products, this truck stands out, also adding to the need for autonomy that would be associated with the Pepsi brand on the truck. 

This creates a personality for Pepsi. Instead of just being a drink, it would be a drink that makes you who you are, and makes you stand out from everyone else, just like the truck. Since this truck is so unique, it shows that Pepsi is unique, and if you drink it, Pepsi will make you unique too. 

All of the Pepsi brands on the truck also show the technique of repetition. On each crate there is a brand, and along with that there is a larger Pepsi brand on the back of the truck. The colors are also very prominent on this truck, because it is all red and blue. Since red and blue are the colors of Pepsi, and those are the only colors on the truck, it gives the impression that Pepsi is dominant. 

I think this advertisement is effective. It is so creative, and I really liked that. I think that this would grab anyone's attention on the road, and make them associate this unique advertisement with Pepsi, and make them inclined to buy it. 

Verizon Commercial

This commercial for Verizon uses the need to nurture, and has a very heartfelt appeal. Throughout the commercial we see the child growing up, and his mother raising him. It shows how the mother is there for life events, and we can see that she loves him very much. 

The lighting and music are very important to this commercial. Throughout the advertisement, the colors have a very soft pastel glow to them, making everything seem calm and happy. The music is in the background, and also gives a happy, relaxed element to the commercial because it is slow and soft. This makes the consumer feel reassured and relaxed. 

At the end, it says "knowing you can still reach out". This is targeting mothers as the audience, because it shows even when their child grows up, and leaves home, that they can still connect with them through Verizon. The commercial gives the impression that Verizon will give a clear view of their child's life, and that Verizon is the only provider that can keep you close with your child. The target audience could also be the children who have moved out and want to keep in touch with their parents. At the end of the commercial it says "get mom a lucid 2...". This makes the consumer feel closer to the commercial, and more personal becuase it says "mom" as if someone they are related to was talking to them, instead of saying "your mom". 

This commercial was cute, but I don't know how effective it was. I thought the "story" was likable, but this commercial probably wasn't effective on me because i wasn't the target audience. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Kellogg's To Go

This commercial for Kellogg's breakfast to go uses many techniques. One of these techniques is the need to escape, and other appeals of color and types of people. 

In this advertisement they show "breakfast on the go" and all of these different places that the spoons are going. The spoons represent breakfast travelling. The voice over of the commercial talks about breakfast going where it likes- implying travel and freedom. This commercial gives the consumer the idea that they can go wherever they like without having to worry about nutrition; the Kellogg's breakfast to go will take care of that. 

The people in this commercial all seem very happy, and free. They are doing everyday ordinary things, and are happy with their Kellogg's breakfast. This shows that ordinary people can be happy with this breakfast, and it will be satisfying. The advertisers want the consumer to feel as if this breakfast is more nutritious, faster, and more convenient  than any other. This is shown through the "traveling spoons" and the people walking outside, going places. 

I liked this commercial and thought it was effective. It made me feel happy and free, and the Kellogg's breakfast to go seemed to be very convenient!

Australia Post

This advertisement is for the Australia Post. It appeals to curiosity, aesthetic sensation, and affiliation. 

This ad is the kind of ad that makes you look twice. It has a very interesting way of grabbing the reader's attention, using aesthetic sensation. The shape of the person coming out of the words is a very creative touch to the advertisement. It is showing how close the words you write can bring you to someone else. They show how greatly the words in a letter can affect someone, and that writing a letter through the mail is heartfelt. 

This also appeals to affiliation because of the image of the person made of the letter, and the person receiving it. It shows that the emotion in the letter is sent to the person through the words, and that these words can be comforting to the person. In my perspective, the advertisement makes the woman look like she is lonely, and that she is being comforted by the words of the person in the letter. 

The advertisement for the Australia Post wants the consumer to feel that the letter they send will carry their emotions with it, and that the Australia post is the only way this emotion will reach the person.

 I really like this advertisement for the creativity, but, I don't think it is very specific to the Australia Post. I think that any postal company could use that slogan and advertisement, and so i think it would've been more effective if the advertisement was specific to Australia Post. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Pepsi - "Live for Now" Billboard

This billboard is advertising Pepsi. It uses the advertising appeals of satisfying curiosity and glittering generalities. 

The curiosity aspect is due to the many scenes of people, different colors incorporated around the Pepsi symbol and can. Someone would look at this billboard, and look longer to see what is going on in each scene. Each scene is in a different place, which could also be associated with the need to escape. This would be found interesting because of the many different places. 

The glittering generalities applies when a product shows that it would change your life, or affect you in some great way. This billboard shows that if you drink Pepsi, you will live an adventurous, fun, and interesting life. It shows this through each of the different scenes in the billboard that your life with Pepsi would be greatly eventful. Glittering generalities is also shown with the quote "Live for Now" on the billboard. This also shows how you would "live for now" and take opportunities or travel if you drink Pepsi.

Overall, I like this advertisement. I find the scenes and visuals of the advertisement interesting. However, I don't think it has anything to do with Pepsi, and would not make me inclined to buy the product! 

Johnson's Baby Products

This commercial for Johnson's baby products uses the "need to nurture" aspect of advertising. It shows many mothers and babies, reaching out to all kinds of moms. Especially since the voice-over is meant to be the thoughts of the baby, it gives mothers a reassurance that all will be well. It it is a comforting commercial, and the soft music adds to that. 

The babies in this commercial are all happy, which would make a mother happy to see her child happy. Those good feelings would be associated with the brand of Johnson's when the name shows at the end of the commercial. The actual commercial doesn't really have much to do with Johnson's itself, but seeing happy mother's and babies would be associated with Johnson's. 

I thought this commercial was very cute, especially all the babies! Although it was very creative, i think more incorporation of Johnson's products would have added more to it. It didn't seem like there was a lot of the product in the commercial, especially since it didn't advertise a specific product by Johnson's, but just the brand in general.