Saturday, December 21, 2013

Verizon Commercial

This commercial for Verizon uses the need to nurture, and has a very heartfelt appeal. Throughout the commercial we see the child growing up, and his mother raising him. It shows how the mother is there for life events, and we can see that she loves him very much. 

The lighting and music are very important to this commercial. Throughout the advertisement, the colors have a very soft pastel glow to them, making everything seem calm and happy. The music is in the background, and also gives a happy, relaxed element to the commercial because it is slow and soft. This makes the consumer feel reassured and relaxed. 

At the end, it says "knowing you can still reach out". This is targeting mothers as the audience, because it shows even when their child grows up, and leaves home, that they can still connect with them through Verizon. The commercial gives the impression that Verizon will give a clear view of their child's life, and that Verizon is the only provider that can keep you close with your child. The target audience could also be the children who have moved out and want to keep in touch with their parents. At the end of the commercial it says "get mom a lucid 2...". This makes the consumer feel closer to the commercial, and more personal becuase it says "mom" as if someone they are related to was talking to them, instead of saying "your mom". 

This commercial was cute, but I don't know how effective it was. I thought the "story" was likable, but this commercial probably wasn't effective on me because i wasn't the target audience. 

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