Monday, December 16, 2013

Kellogg's To Go

This commercial for Kellogg's breakfast to go uses many techniques. One of these techniques is the need to escape, and other appeals of color and types of people. 

In this advertisement they show "breakfast on the go" and all of these different places that the spoons are going. The spoons represent breakfast travelling. The voice over of the commercial talks about breakfast going where it likes- implying travel and freedom. This commercial gives the consumer the idea that they can go wherever they like without having to worry about nutrition; the Kellogg's breakfast to go will take care of that. 

The people in this commercial all seem very happy, and free. They are doing everyday ordinary things, and are happy with their Kellogg's breakfast. This shows that ordinary people can be happy with this breakfast, and it will be satisfying. The advertisers want the consumer to feel as if this breakfast is more nutritious, faster, and more convenient  than any other. This is shown through the "traveling spoons" and the people walking outside, going places. 

I liked this commercial and thought it was effective. It made me feel happy and free, and the Kellogg's breakfast to go seemed to be very convenient!

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